Do parts of your body cause you pain, ache, feel stiff, or seem weak or unstable?
Do parts of your body cause you pins and needles, tingling, burning, or feel numb?
Do any of these complaints prevent your body from moving or working how it should?
Do any of these complaints disturb your sleep or make it difficult to relax?
Do any of these complaints or loss of movement in your body mean there are things in your life that you struggle to do or can’t do at present?
Do you feel your life would be more comfortable and enjoyable if somebody could help you with these complaints?
If you answered YES to any, or all, of these questions then the Seven Hills Physiotherapy team are here to help. We will take great interest in listening to YOUR problems so we can find out how YOU would like us to help YOU lead a more comfortable and enjoyable life.

Physiotherapy Fees: Investing In Your Own Health And Wellbeing.
Initial assessment- £40
Follow-up treatment- £40
Acupuncture- £40
Medico-legal services- negotiable service level agreements.
Our physiotherapists believe in the importance of fully supporting you throughout your entire episode of care with us. All fees are inclusive of our service to you that extends way beyond the face to face time in clinic. We are always only a phone call or email away to support you between treatment sessions.