Seven Hills Physiotherapy predominantly works with patients suffering with problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system. As its name suggests, the neuro-musculo-skeletal system comprises the nerves, muscles and bones and joints (skeleton). Other structures associated with this system are ligaments, tendons, fascia, bursa, cartilage and meniscus.
Physiotherapy aims to help you by working on these structures in order to maximise the physical condition of your body. Please click here to visit our 'how we help you' page for an in depth explanation of how neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy works.
Our physiotherapists are what is known in the profession as manual therapists. Therefore, you can expect specialist hands-on treatment wherever appropriate as we believe this method gains results much quicker. However, exercise therapy and rehabilitation are equally as important so carefully selected exercises are prescribed as part of your homework. We often use a combination of the following treatments and modalities;
Please contact us to book an appointment or to discuss your problem in more detail with one of our specialist physiotherapists.
Do parts of your body cause you pain, ache, feel stiff, or seem weak or unstable?
Do parts of your body cause you pins and needles, tingling, burning, or feel numb?
Do any of these complaints prevent your body from moving or working how it should?
Do any of these complaints disturb your sleep or make it difficult to relax?
Do any of these complaints or loss of movement in your body mean there are things in your life that you struggle to do or can’t do at present?
Do you feel your life would be more comfortable and enjoyable if somebody could help you with these complaints?
If you answered YES to any, or all, of these questions then the Seven Hills Physiotherapy team are here to help. We will take great interest in listening to YOUR problems so we can find out how YOU would like us to help YOU lead a more comfortable and enjoyable life.